Ok, people have been getting K03d ALOT!! and that is very good that means you are very good at pking.. Im not not talking to admins lmfao. so some tips in good combos for specs or Pking styles are.
1. do ::barrage and get some barrage runes and Ice Barrage them couple times till they get little hp wasted make sure they don't safe.. -.- and spec them with a Brawler GS or D Claws spec. i use this Combo all the time and it's very effective...
2. If you're Maging and Ranging. That Is an also very good Combination... Ice Barrage them a couple times to Make them freeze and use a D Bow or C Bow to Fc Them. Things to have on For Range and Mage: ---->
Things to have on For Range: Robin Hood Hat, C bow (no arrows needed) or D Bow (no arrows needed, but more effective if D Arrows are used), Either Full Karil (::karil) or full Armadyl. for Armadyl items, you may get PK drops, Ranger Boots, Barrows Gloves, Fury Amulet, Firecape.
Things to have on for Mage: Ahrim Top and bottom, Maybe full Ahrim if you want. (not Ahrim staff) You cannot have an Ancient Staff for Fcing so use a Gs or Brawler For Maging Weapon and Spec Combo. Dragon Boots, barrows gloves, fury amulet, and firecape.
I hope this helps wiht your Combo's.
There are also many other Combo's.
--Admin David